Prevent social media risks.

Someturva helps work teams and organizations by adding safety into social media and online interactions.

To be protected by Someturva is to:

prevent possible risks of social media and online environments by trainings and community-wide guidelines. 85% of interaction and communication happens online.Read more
protect your people in emergency cases with Someturva 24/7 harassment reporting app and receive case diagnosis and professional help from our Someturva Safety Unit.Read more
impact your organization's capability to operate efficiently and actively in online environments and social media - let your people shine and prosper!Read more

Most common problems for work organizations

Main impacts of Someturva service

What is Someturva protection in practice?

Someturva prevention package

risk assessment, trainings, guidelines and consultancy based on need

Risk level evaluation and consultation can be done by Someturva professionals to analyze the weak points. We help you also to update your guidelines and instructions and consult you with the best risk management practices and strategies for social media.

Someturva 24/7

harassment reporting app

Our intelligent AI powered web app is open 24/7 at your community members’ use whenever they have any issues with their online safety. This will guarantee immediate and accurate help in all online emergencies.

Someturva Safety Unit

case diagnosis and professional help

When you report harassment, our team of top professional lawyers, psychologists and social psychologists guarantees the best advice and help.

Someturva Impact

dashboard and data for decision making

Organisations protected by Someturva receive specific statistical data and reports needed for good decision making. No need for guessing when you have the right data at your use.

Unexpected incidents: 59% of social media users have been cyberbullied or harassed online. In many cases the employer is involved whether anticipated or not.

She is in the middle of divorce and her ex-husband-to-be is spreading nasty lies about her on Facebook. Countless people have seen those online. One of the posts also mentions Lucy’s employer in a very negative light.

Lucy, 46

How to start using Someturva in your community?

  1. 1

    Book an intro or give our contact details to your organization's decision maker.

  2. 2

    Recieve your own onboarding specialist.

  3. 3

    Your community is protected by Someturva.

Someturvan webinaari 18.1.2022: Digitaalisen työturvallisuuden uusi vuosi – asiantuntijatyön turvallisuus

Täytä lomake ja lataa itsellesi maksuton webinaaritallenne. Tallenteen linkki lähetetään sähköpostiisi.

Järjestimme yritysjohdolle, viestinnälle ja HR-ammattilaisille suunnatun webinaarin 18.1.2022. Webinaarissa kuultiin Someturvan toimitusjohtajan ja sosiaalisen median tutkijan, Suvi Uskin puheenvuoro "Asiantuntija-työn digitaalinen työturvallisuus vuonna 2022". Someturvan vastaava juristi Kaisa Rissanen käsitteli puheenvuorossaan työnantajan velvollisuuksia ja osaamista. Vierailevina paneelikeskustelijoina webinaarissa oli Eira Pohjanvaara, joka toimii henkilöstöpalveluratkaisuja tarjoavan ManpowerGroupin Suomesta ja Baltiasta vastaavana henkilöstöjohtajana ja työyhteisösovittelijana sekä LähiTapiolan viestintäpäällikkö Petteri Parkkisenniemi.

Reality TV
Banijay shows are airing on Finnish TV, including "Single Town"

Banijay and Someturva piloting how to protect reality TV productions

Our customers

Get in touch

Kati Nevatalo

Sales Director

Phone number
+358 40 588 4127

Someturva in media

Helsingin Sanomat

New service for reporting bullying opened in Vantaa - "Parents are often under the impression that they will hear from their children"